Inspiration for Everyday Life

10 Affirmations to Help You Feel Inspired & Manage the Stress and Anxiety of Day-To-Day Life

10 Affirmations to Help You Feel Inspired & Manage the Stress and Anxiety Of Day-To-Day Life

Affirmations are short, key phrases based on a universal truth or guiding principle. They are powerfully intentioned words meant to align your subconscious desires with your conscious thoughts.

They work best when you repeat them to yourself daily, or for whatever length of time you need when dealing with a challenging life situation. I have some affirmations I refer to daily, and I have others that I have used for a few weeks or months at a time, when I was facing a very difficult period in my life.

The Purpose of Affirmations

Affirmations are a way of trading out one negative thought for a positive one. They help to focus your energy and thoughts on your current situation, while keeping your end-result or goal in mind.

It’s more than just memorizing a positive phrase, it’s about breaking up the monotony of your own thoughts. Our subconscious thoughts run on an inner tape, and if you can replace one negative, repetitive thought with just one positive one, it will make you that much stronger and more aware when facing that same thought, feeling, or fear the next time.

Affirmations to Feel Inspired, Manage Stress & Combat Anxiety

Affirmations can be very specific and personal to your complex needs and problems. One of the great things about affirmations is that you can write your own or use others. I oftentimes find other affirmations and tweak them so that they are specific to my life and what I am currently going through.

This list of affirmations is some of the first ones I began using to help me feel inspired, and manage the stress and anxiety of day-to-day life. I usually find a pretty picture to go along with each, which I’ve included here for you too.

1. I let go of the pain because holding on is preventing me from reaching my deepest dreams, experiencing my truest love, living my fullest life, and being my best self.

I let go of the pain because holding on is preventing me from reaching my deepest dreams, experiencing my truest love, living my fullest life, and being my best self.

2. I work in my off hours now so I can get to a point in my day where my on hours are lightweight and easy.

I work in my off hours now so I can get to a point in my day where my on hours are lightweight and easy.

3. My life has purpose and meaning. My dreams count. My voice matters. I was born for a reason. I am meant to be here. I matter. I deserve love. I am lovable.

My life has purpose and meaning. My dreams count. My voice matters. I was born for a reason. I am meant to be here. I matter. I deserve love. I am lovable.

4. I have emotional intelligence. I do not react in the moment. I reflect and breath.

I have emotional intelligence. I do not react in the moment. I reflect and breath.

5. I do not require validation from anyone else. My existence is my validation.

I do not require validation from anyone else. My existence is my validation.

6. I ignore negative people, because they feed on my reaction, and if they see me being affected by what they do or say, they’ll keep doing it.

I ignore negative people, because they feed on my reaction, and if they see me being affected by what they do or say, they’ll keep doing it.

7. I have the time.

I have the time.

8. With each breath, I release the anxiety, fear, and doubt within me.

With each breath, I release the anxiety, fear, and doubt within me.

9. I am smart and intelligent. I can get through all that has been placed before me.

I am smart and intelligent. I can get through all that has been placed before me.

10. I am grateful to be me.

I am grateful to be me.

Remember that affirmations are a way of building up internal strength. It’s a simple, yet powerful technique for trading out one negative, fear-based thought for a positive and encouraging one.

If you have any personal affirmations you use to help get through your day, please share below in the comments section. It’s a great way to promote positivity, while encouraging others and yourself.

10 Affirmations to Help You Feel Inspired & Manage the Stress and Anxiety of Day-To-Day Life

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