5 Simple Things to Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

From bad decisions, to broken dreams, the possibility for catastrophe are endless.
How to Recover from Job Burnout and Find Yourself Again

Anyone who’s ever climbed the corporate ladder, and then slid back down as fast as they could know that a corporate career is the ultimate roadblock, the true barrier between who you are, and who you want to be.
5 Lessons from a Year of Loss, Change and Growth

There’s a peculiar nature to life—that when one thing goes wrong, everything else seems to follow suit.
Warning: 10 Signs Your Job Really Is Toxic

It’s not you, it’s your job.
5 Honest Insights from a Person Who Quit Their Job Without Another Lined Up

So you hate your job, but can’t bring yourself to quit.
25 Self-Care Ideas for the Woman Who Needs a Break

Tell me if this sounds a little like a day you’ve had before…
6 Practical Self-Care Tips for the Busy Career Woman

I use to not really be that into the whole self-care movement. I know, bad way to start a post on self-care. It wasn’t that I hated those who are always espousing the benefits of self-care, it’s just that I was so busy working a full-time job that was unforgiving in its schedule, that I […]
5 Major Lessons I Learned After I Quit My Job to Start A Blog

So, you’ve made the decision to quit your job and start your blog. Congrats! It’s a big step and you deserve to feel good about your decision. You have something to offer the world that no one else can-your unique story. And with an internet laden with more junk than useful information, a new and […]
5 Signs It Was Time to Quit My Job And Pursue My Dreams

“We have been so busy making a living that we have had less time really to live…” -Eleanor Roosevelt The decision to leave my job was a long and strenuous process. I went back and forth for years (yes years) over whether I should leave the job and the career, I had worked so hard […]