How to Calm Negative Emotions: 25 Self Soothing Activities

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” —Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
5 Ways Childhood Emotional Abuse Impacts Your Adult Life and How to Cope

The abuse may be over, but the effects are still visible in our day-to-day lives
How to Recover from Job Burnout and Find Yourself Again

Anyone who’s ever climbed the corporate ladder, and then slid back down as fast as they could know that a corporate career is the ultimate roadblock, the true barrier between who you are, and who you want to be.
Warning: 10 Signs Your Job Really Is Toxic

It’s not you, it’s your job.
I Refuse to Inherit My Parents’ Pain and Problems

“I wonder how much of what weighs me down is not mine to carry.” —Aditi
5 Honest Insights from a Person Who Quit Their Job Without Another Lined Up

So you hate your job, but can’t bring yourself to quit.