Do you have a personal story you want to share?
Do you feel your writing isn’t good enough?
Do you have tons of writing that you’ve never shared with anyone?
The first time I ever shared my writing publicly was actually in group therapy.
A few years ago, I began attending group therapy for adult survivors of childhood abuse, and I volunteered to be a speaker for one of the meetings. Because I had no confidence in myself, that I would be able to talk about my story without freezing up, I decided to bring in a few of my journal writings, and read those aloud for my share.
I remember being so nervous that my hands were visibly shaking the entire time I was holding the paper, trying to read my story.
It was nerve-wrecking, and I was surprised I was able to make it through as far as I did. When I finished speaking, I didn’t think anything much of about what I had read, until the end of meeting when several others members came up to me to thank me for sharing my story, and how it had resonated with their own experiences.
Honestly, I was shocked! I had never ever considered my writing to be any good, much less anything anyone else would be interested in hearing about. It was just something I did in my free time, especially when I was feeling down.
It was in that moment, that their subtle encouragement lit a small fire in me that maybe…maybe I should try sharing my writing more often…
(If you’re struggling with how to let go of a painful family legacy, check out my post, I Refuse to Inherit My Parents’ Pain or Problems.)
Since then, my writing journey has taken a lot of twists and turns, and like all writers, I’ve also experienced my fair share of starts and stops. But over the years, I’ve read and received a lot of meaningful advice from other writer’s that have helped me to keep writing, find the courage to share my story, and form good writing habits.
Here I’ve collected all the sage, simple, and even fun writing advice I’ve read and received, and have put them all together into a handy guide for writers. In this guide you’ll also get access to:
- 10 writing tips for new writers
- 10 digital journal prompts for self-discovery
- Blog resources and recommendations
Grab Your FREE Guide!

Even if your writing is strictly personal, or you’re interested in turning your writing into a professional career, these writing tips are great for helping you to find your voice, and start writing more often.
Remember, you have a story worth sharing and a story someone else out there is waiting to read.

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